Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Happy-Go-Lucky Airmont couple

Today, during her appearance on "The View" Deborah Feldman backtracked and admitted that she in fact lived in a "Liberal Jewish community" upstate before she left her religion, (Did she do it because we revealed her little secret?) which makes her claim, that she left the community under pressure and religious abuse, even more absurd.

Now, here are more secrets of Deborah's past: This compulsive liar lived a happy-go-lucky life with her husband. The two of them actually dated and discussed their future, untill they made up their mind to get married. Deborah and her husband met quite a few times even after they got engaged and actually loved each other. Her husband even cut off his payos (side-curls) and trimmed his beard at her request. They moved to this "liberal" Hasidic community of Airmont as discussed, where they felt right at home. It was as if this cozy village was created specially for them. She dressed modern, drove a car and went to college, etc.

Despite of her new statement, Deborah Feldman was never a matter of discussion and gossip in the Jewish community until she betrayed her roots and started her nasty campaign against a whole community, as a matter of revenge for her admittedly unhappy life, because of her family troubles. Thousands upon Thousands of Jewish wives don't conceive in the first two or three years of their married life and nobody knows or cares.

But now she contradicts herself again. She makes this absurd claim that girls graduate from Hasidic schools with a 4th grade education (another statement so absurd that it's not worthy of a response) and then has the chutzpa to insult the many listeners of "The View" by claiming that she was accepted into Sarah Lawrence College without a diploma. (Speaking of which, my wife has a college degree and two of my sister-in-laws are going to college.)


  1. You are just as guilty in bashing Jews who live in Airmont like Deborah is guilty in bashing satmar- willimusburg
    עטץ קימט פין דע זעלבע חדר

    1. I don't see any Airmont bashing in this post.

    2. ben bag bag. just reading your comments on various posts. u have serious problems. take off ur negative foggy glasses and exchange them for rosy ones.

  2. What do you call this ?
    "They moved to this "liberal" Hasidic community of Airmont as discussed, where they felt right at home. It was as if this cozy village was created specially for them. She dressed modern, drove a car and went to college, etc."

    Is tis gully by association ? One liberal Jew lives in Airmont you name the entire villigae liberals?

    1. Liberal in a good way. Meaning that nobody is staring into your cholent pot and telling you that you forgot the pepper...

    2. Ye ben bag bag! we know who that liberal is! haha! lol!

    3. Tzig " The Happy-Go-Lucky Airmont couple" headline is also in a good way??

      shalom : what's so funny?

  3. Do you know the meaning of quotation marks? That's a quote from Deborah Feldman, not my words. Besides, I'm afraid that you don't know the full definition of liberal.

    liberal adj. in favor of reform, supporting a progressive philosophy political, religious, social, etc.); tolerant, open-minded; generous; abundant.

    Either way these are Deborah's words and this is why it's in quotation marks. Kapish?

    1. It sounds like you are fooling yourself .....

    2. Did Deborah also place the word "liberal" under quotation marks? Your "quotation marks" on the word "liberal" change the meaning of her sentence.

    3. You are wrong. Liberal is a quote, and when you quote someone you use quotation marks.

  4. so are you her ex husband? Because you sound like her ex husband. And if you're not, you must be a close family member if you know all this information.

    You're a sad sad person.

    1. Come up with an argument next time instead of resorting to speculative ad hominem attacks, Abandoning Eden. With such disgusting remarks, you're the "sad sad person" if anything.

  5. First of Liberal chassidish? really? yeah that exists...Secondly, I went to yeshiva got a "High school diploma" and then went to rutgers . The diploma was a peice of paper and had nothing to do with education though. I could do basic arithmetic and had basic english skills.


    Dear Sura Devoira Berkowitz, (aka. Feldman) (I WONDER why you are using your ex's name?).

    For those unfamiliar with the Orthodox Jewish lifestyle, listen to what TYRA BANKS had to say, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfbjSYU57os.

    1) You keep Kosher at home for your son, what a joke, do you think, you can fool him? I feel terrible, for your Son, and husband, as far I remember he tried his best, to make you happy, quote “MY EX-HUSBAND IS SO MUCH LESS RELIGIOUS NOW. HE CUT HIS BEARD SHORT, HE WEARS JEANS” but you had other plans in mind from the get go, quote “WHEN I MET HIM, I WARNED HIM”, besides the point, who ever knows you, is well aware that you always tried to be “in control” by any means possible, and would cry and make threats to try to gain the upper hand. You can pretend to be the “victim” in a paper article or a monologue video posting only.


    3) You LIED about the restrictions in the community, if eating out is FORBIDDEN, then how do you explain all the Kosher restaurants in and around NYC, how many times did your husband take you to Kosher eateries, as far out as LONG ISLAND.

    4) You LIED about Jewish sex rules, quote “THERE IS AN ACTUAL RULE that you learn before you get married, that you are never supposed to look at genitalia. YOU CANT LOOK AT YOURS, AND YOU CANT LOOK AT HIS” Once again you lie about YOUR religion, THERE IS NO SUCH RULE IN JUDAISIM, maybe you were not paying attention in KALLAH CLASS, or perhaps you were reading one of the FAKE Jewish books you crafted, quote “I got this cheap paperback, I think it was “Little Women,” and tore off the covers so you couldn’t see what it was, and I would insert it in my Hebrew textbook”.

    5) You can LIE to the secular world about “YOUR” people but anybody who is slightly familiar with the customs, or has anything that resembles a BRAIN between their ears, sees right through your fabrications.

    6) Finally how DARE you use innocent Leiby Kletzky, to further your VILE cause in a poor attempt to drum up sales of your Fairytale (make that witchtale).

    I hope and pray that you go for HELP which is very obvious, (even to strangers who have never met you), that you so desperately need.

    Your former neighbor, and (always) your friend.

    P.S. you can LIE to all, but a select few, including myself.

    1. 4) You LIED about Jewish sex rules, quote “THERE IS AN ACTUAL RULE that you learn before you get married, that you are never supposed to look at genitalia. YOU CANT LOOK AT YOURS, AND YOU CANT LOOK AT HIS” Once again you lie about YOUR religion, THERE IS NO SUCH RULE IN JUDAISIM, maybe you were not paying attention in KALLAH CLASS, or perhaps you were reading one of the FAKE Jewish books you crafted

      Fake Jewish books....oooh, like the kitzur, right? http://www.yonanewman.org/kizzur/kizzur150.html#5

      I left the Charedi world before the time of kallah classes, and I was never Chasidish, so I can't say whether people are taught this, but she certainly didn't pull it out of thin air.

  7. Now you're the one lying...no "friend" would treat their friends this way.

    1. Its mostly b.s. what she said!! why don't you get it???

  8. Am I the only one who sees that this poor girl is a real Nebach? I mean she sounds like she is in a major deal of emotional pain!! She unfortunately had a really hard childhood and had no guidance. I can understand to some extent why she got lost. I just wish she didn't fall so far off the wagon. There are accepting chassidim out there that could have helped her! If she didn't like Williamsburg or Satmar, she didn't have to stay! You can be religious and not chassidish! she didn't have to throw away yiddishkait! It sounds like she is bashing Judaism, rather than Chassidim. That really saddens me. Does she really think the Irish Catholic will be nicer to her? Eisav Soneh Lyakov! whichever way you put it... If Hitler was around these days there is maybe a 1% chance that her Irish Catholic boyfriend would try to save her... How many gentiles turned they're backs on they're Jewish friends in our history?? Countless! It is very sad what happen to this girl! Sadly this is happening a lot in the frum and not so frum community's! We just don't hear or know about the countless people that are like this girl, because they are not so publicized. We are doing something wrong! Instead of bashing her and Children like her, we need to help her and others like her! She is upset at the chassidim yet taking it out on the Torah! The experience she had as she describes is so sad! I grew up in Boro Park and my family is Heimish Chassidish. I learnt the same halachos she did yet experienced them in a way more beautiful way. We need to find out why they are so hurt! Find out what happened to them to make them take all they're anger out on they're father in heaven! Hashem who loves them sooo much! We must save souls like this girl! Don't yell and bash her! I am just as angry as everyone in my community! You have no idea how angry! I wanted to hit something when I saw that Post article someone sent to my blackberry, but this is the wrong approach! She needs to be approached with love and kindness and acceptance. She is obviously very emotionally disturbed! This is a cry for help! I don't know if she is still help-able, but bashing and slamming wont make it all go away.

    1. If you only give her Irish catholic boyfriend a 1 percent chance then you must be a 100 percent racist !
      Would you have hidden a black kid like the guyim did in world war2 ?

    2. Thanks for insulting the Irish, who actually had a really good relationship to Judaism.

      But yes it does seem as if she is emotionally disturbed and it is very sad. Being confronted with lying and with damage you've done, as well as pain and anger you've caused is an unfortunately necessary part of teshuvah she will have to go through.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.
